put someone wise — (informal) TELL, inform, notify, apprise, make aware, put in the picture, fill in; warn, alert; informal clue in/up, tip off. → wise * * * put someone wise (esp US informal) To put someone in possession of essential information, make someone… … Useful english dictionary
put one wise — {v. phr.} To bring one up to date; inform someone; explain. * /Our old friend David put us wise as to where the best used cars could be found in Chicago./ … Dictionary of American idioms
put one wise — {v. phr.} To bring one up to date; inform someone; explain. * /Our old friend David put us wise as to where the best used cars could be found in Chicago./ … Dictionary of American idioms
put\ one\ wise — v. phr. To bring one up to date; inform someone; explain. Our old friend David put us wise as to where the best used cars could be found in Chicago … Словарь американских идиом
put or set someone wise — idi+sts Slang. to inform someone, esp. about confidential information … From formal English to slang
wise — wise1 [wīz] adj. wiser, wisest [ME wis < OE, akin to witan, to know, OHG wis, MDu wijs < PGmc * wisa , wise < IE * weid < base * w(e)di , to see, know > Sans vēdas, knowledge, Gr idris, knowing, L videre, to see] 1. having or… … English World dictionary
-wise — The practice of attaching this suffix to nouns with the meaning of with reference to and concerning is widespread and indiscriminate. No one objects to such a sensible word as clockwise, but how about jobwise, attendance wise, flavorwise,… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
wise — wise1 wisely, adv. /wuyz/, adj., wiser, wisest, v., wised, wising. adj. 1. having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion. 2. characterized by or showing such… … Universalium
put wise — {v.}, {slang} To tell (someone) facts that will give him an advantage over others or make him alert to opportunity or danger. * /The new boy did not know that Jim was playing a trick on him, so I put him wise./ Often used with to . * /Someone put … Dictionary of American idioms
put wise — {v.}, {slang} To tell (someone) facts that will give him an advantage over others or make him alert to opportunity or danger. * /The new boy did not know that Jim was playing a trick on him, so I put him wise./ Often used with to . * /Someone put … Dictionary of American idioms
put\ wise — v slang To tell (someone) facts that will give him an advantage over others or make him alert to opportunity or danger. The new boy did not know that Jim was playing a trick on him, so I put him wise. Often used with to . Someone put the police… … Словарь американских идиом